The fungus that ruined my life: how I lost my wife and my health, but was able to get out of it! I share my experience with you.
Hello, my name is Antonio and my story may horrify you because I almost lost my life to a common foot fungus. How is this possible? I never thought that such a small thing could ruin a life.
It all started when I noticed a slight thickening of my toenails. At first I didn't think anything of it, but over time the affected area started to get bigger, it was itchy and I noticed redness on the skin of my feet. Then I went to the doctor and found out that it wasonychomycosis, in other words, fungus.
I don't know where I could have contracted it. Maybe in the swimming pool, or maybe in the shower at the gym or somewhere else. Fungus is found where there's moisture and a lot of people, the fungus is going to be there.
By the way, did you know that 80% of people have fungal spores on their skin. They may not even notice it, but as soon as the immune system is weakened, for example during a cold, the fungus shoots up immediately, very fast!
Fungus is the worst enemy of your health!
Many underestimate fungal infections, but the doctor explained to me that this disease is not only highly contagious, but also dangerous. In advanced stages, onychomycosis can cause inflammation of the soft tissues around the nail, often leading to the death of the area and sometimes even to the amputation of the finger or even several fingers! And if the infection suddenly breaks through the cracks and gets into the blood, it can lead to sepsis and amputation of the leg!
I confess that I got very scared and realised the danger of my condition. The external symptoms are nothing compared to what the fungus can cause.
The doctor prescribed me a lot of medicines, but they were expensive, so I limited myself to an ointment and that was a big mistake. This remedy did not help, on the contrary, the itching became even stronger, an unpleasant smell appeared, the skin on the soles of my feet started to thicken and crack, and the nail turned yellow and started to look terrible.
If you discover that you have these symptoms, please don't wait, start treatment urgently before your condition worsens!
How a fungus ruined my life
Of course, everything seemed very uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep at night, my intimate life with my wife was ruined, she was annoyed by the bad smell of my feet, she asked me to sleep in the living room on the sofa.
I was constantly angry, my feet itched a lot and even the most expensive medicines did not help. I even used folk medicine, applied all kinds of leaves and made baths for my feet. But it didn't work.
My wife and I fought all the time, we stopped sleeping together, and our relationship became worse than ever. I started to drink to numb the itching and pain of the cracks on my feet. Sometimes the despair was so strong that I didn't feel like living....
I decided to go to another doctor in a more expensive clinic. There, the first thing they suggested was to remove my toenail, and he named other procedures. It cost me a lot of money!
The procedure, I tell you, is not a pleasant one, I don't recommend to look at sensitive people, but they should know what happens if they don't treat this disease!
The wounds took a long time to heal. My nail ached. I hoped that the fungus would finally go away and at first I felt better, but after 2 months I started to feel intense pain, it got infected and smelled very bad.
I realised it was serious, my temperature went up, I felt terrible, I felt like I was dying.
I went back to the doctor and it turned out that the area had become inflamed. I was prescribed a course of antibiotics, and I thought it was all over when I took it.
My wife and I finally decided to live separately after an argument. I understood that she didn't feel comfortable being with me, seeing my horrible legs and that disgusting smell. I was left alone with my problem. I was afraid of doctors. I didn't get any effective treatment, I only got worse.
I stopped caring about myself, I stopped applying the ointments prescribed by the doctor and soon everything was back to normal. The nail grew thick and yellow, the cracks appeared again and bled, the smell became even stronger. For a while, I did nothing, I just watched the cursed fungus ruin my life and my health.
I was desperate, I didn't believe that nothing would help me or that I would go back to living as before. I didn't like my life and I treated my health carelessly, which made me regret a lot!
I was saved by a chance conversation with an old friend I met by coincidence on the street. We hadn't seen each other for years and he invited me to his country house for the weekend. I gladly went since for several months I had not spoken to anyone but lived a lonely life, like an unhappy, closed person.
My friend suggested I go to the sauna, but I politely said no. I couldn't think of an excuse so I had to admit the problem I had. I told him how I was suffering, how my wife had left me for the fungus and how my life had become a real hell.
Unbelievable, but instead of feeling sorry for me, he said to wait a bit, went upstairs to his bedroom. A few minutes later he came back, holding a bottle of capsules in his hand
- "Here," he said. It's the only thing that kills the fungus, nothing else will help you.
It turned out to be Fungonal capsules. My friend told me how he tried to get rid of his fungus, tried a lot of drugs that only ruined his health and damaged his liver. Only these capsules helped him. Little is known about the prodcut in Europe, but in the USA and Canada it is known to be the most effective remedy for nail and skin fungus on the feet.
As I later discovered Fungonal:
- Eliminates all known and dangerous types of fungal infections;
- Relieves itching, pain and irritation;
- 100% disinfects;
- Prevents the spread of fungus;
- Restores cells damaged by infection;
- Eliminates unpleasant odours caused by bacteria;
- The skin gets necessary moisture, no cracks are formed.
At first I was not sure if these capsules would help me, I was already very disappointed with the drugs and doctors, I had spent a lot of money on my treatments, but apart from barbaric procedures like nail removal and useless drugs, nothing had helped me.
However, I had nothing to lose and decided to follow my friend's advice, I took the bottle and started using the capsules, I started taking it twice a day.
20 minutes after taking the capsules, I felt a pleasant sensation on my feet and they stopped itching; I finally felt relieved and spent a nice evening watching movies.
In the morning I noticed that the cracks were smaller and the skin had become softer when I touched it. I was surprised and happy at the same time. I kept using it. But there was not many capsules left, so I found on the internet the official site where Fungonal is sold and ordered several bottles, taking advantage of the offer and the price was very good.
I used it for 2 months and during that time my legs were transformed! The skin on the soles was soft, the nails had a normal colour, I had forgotten the itching and burning! I felt like flying! I had so much lightness in my legs, it was an incredible feeling! I started to sleep better, I had no irritability, my good mood was back! My life was finally back on track.
I could invite people over or visit them myself without being embarrassed by the smell of my feet. I even started meeting women! I also noticed that my legs stopped sweating! That was wonderful because the fungus reproduces in a humid environment.
I am immensely grateful to my friend for telling me about Fungonal Capsules and literally bringing me back to life!
I found out the components used in producing the capsules are all natural! They are:
- Tea tree oil: has a strong antifungal effect and serves as an immune stimulator;
- Shea oil and oleic acid strengthen cell membranes, making them impervious to infection and fungal pathogens.
- Peppermint: stimulates circulation and increases the production of enzymes that restore the nail plate.
- Eucalyptus leaf and fruit oil: stop and block the action of fungal biota on the nail plate and nail tissue.
- Chamomile extract: thanks to the active component azulen, the drug reduces inflammation and heals damaged areas of the skin.
This product was a real salvation for me! It is not easy for me to tell my story. It is as though I am living this terrible moment of my life again, but I will be very happy if my experience is useful to someone and at least one more person is cured!
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Dear Antonio, your story is very sad. I'm sorry that happened to you. But I'm happy for you that everything is ok now, you're great!
I had the same problem, it all started with a yellow nail. The fungus spread to the other leg very quickly. It looked very nasty. I didn't go to the doctor, I decided I was going to treat it myself. I tried folk remedies, but nothing helped. Then on a forum I found out about Fungonal. It was highly praised, I used the link and ordered it on the Internet, the product was very effective, I managed to recover and I didn't spend a lot of money!
My husband is also very sick. We tried many different things. I didn't know how to help him. He suffered a lot, his nails were crumbling, he had cracks, and itching. He couldn't sleep. Moreover, he was allergic to medicines, so the natural based capsules has become a salvation for us. We were advised by our neighbour, who is a doctor. Now my husband is much better and we continue to use Fungonal Capsules.
Yes, it really works, this medicine alone helped me when nothing else helped me, it's a great remedy for fungus! And it cured my daughter in one go!
It's really scary, I can't imagine what it's like to have your nails pulled out. You don't need to let the disease get worse and many don't realise the complexity of this problem. I also have a fungus, but for now in the initial stage and I have already ordered myself a bottle with your link.
I also got the fungus in the shower at the gym. It's a terrible disease, when your legs don't stop itching, your nails become ugly, your self-esteem goes down and your personal life can be forgotten. I tried to get rid of the fungus with expensive drugs for a long time, but it always came back. Then I found out about Fungonal Capsules and finally got rid of the fungus.
I never thought that a fungus could lead to such consequences! We really underestimated its danger!
For many years I suffered from mycosis. Doctors prescribed me different medicines, but wasn't completely healed. The disease keeps coming back. Thank you for your recommendation, I'll be sure to try this product.
I ruined my health with medicines bought at the pharmacy. They are all very toxic and are very damaging to the liver. I was able to cope with the fungus, for which I am very grateful to Fungonal Capsules and my dear sister, who found out about it on some TV show and told me about it.
That's why my uncle had his fingers amputated. First it was the fungus, then a bacterial infection. The fingers turned black and was cut off.
It's terrible! People, don't forget about your health, take measures in time.
You are very bold to have spoken so openly about it. I think you will help a lot of people!
Thanks for the recommendation, I have already ordered Fungonal. I have been suffering for several years and nothing helps. I've thrown my money away and nothing has helped me....
My father also suffered from this unpleasant disease. He had everything: itching, burning and bad smell. Only Fungonal. helped him. It quickly cured my father and now we know how to get rid of mycosis and we recommend these capsules to our friends. Be sure to try it, it will definitely help you!
I had it on my hands, I also used this product and it quickly passed. I didn't have it so neglected, of course.
I was also able to get rid of the fungus with the help of Fungonal. It is also very important that it has a natural composition, because medicines cause great damage to health.